How you can get involved

You can help by signing up for our newsletter, sharing it, and talking about contrails and the climate to anyone who will listen. You can reference this website,, and share it with people on social media.

If you want to be an agent of further change, here is our task board of things we would love help with:

  • Contrails data research projects.

  • Design projects (website, newsletter, etc.)

  • More creative ideas for how to get decision-makers further interested in contrails.

  • We would be interested in offering an internship for the right person to work on some of these tasks for credit.

  • Finally, if you are passionate about getting your local state/country/airline/airport/city involved, contact us and we can help with resources, and more.

We are grateful that you are here, engaging in the climate movement. Thank you in advance for helping others engage, too.